Thursday, June 29, 2006

That old-timer from the Y keeps calling me "Curly-Girlie"

I was at the Y again this morning shaving after my workout when I noticed a small crowd of those old Y residents in their stained underpants and yellowed shirts. They were in the shadows of the locker area, gigling and pointing at me. Finally, the one who had tried to snap my ass the other day stepped into the light and said this to me: "Loooooking gooooood, Curly-Girlie. Why don't you come over here and give gramps a kiss?" I took a run at them but they all dispersed, giggling like school girls, before I could grab any. That old bitch is going to have some regrets about his recent behavior, I can promise you that. (But, seriously, how does my perm look? Good, right? I don't look like a Curly-Girlie, do I?)


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